뉴질랜드 영주권 ITA!!!!!!

2022. 11. 24. 14:23여기는 NZ

오늘은 호들갑좀 떨어도 될거 같아요!
I am little bit excited today!

드디어 EOI ITA가 도착했습니다! :)
Finally I got a ITA from NZ immigration! Oh my Gosh!!!!!!! :)

오늘부터 4개월 안에 영주권을 신청하라는 인비테이션이에요.
It's the Invitation to apply for residency within 4 months from today.

이제 첫 단계지만 진행이 되었다는 사실만으로도 두근두근 합니다.
It's just the first step but I'm so pleased only with this fact that my residency applicaion is processing now.

필요한 서류가 정리되어 메일에 같이 왔어요. 4개월동안 꼼꼼히 준비해볼게요. Documents check list attached to mail and I will prepare in detail!

Personalised Document Checklist

Fee The total cost for this application is $4290 which includes the application fee and immigration levy. You must pay by credit card (MasterCard, Visa or UnionPay card).
Application for Residence in New Zealand under the Skilled Migrant Category You may complete the SMC online application form here
Please refer to the Application for Residence Guide - Skilled Migrant Category (INZ 1105) for details about the evidence you need to submit.
Birth certificate(s) If applying using a paper form, a certified copy for each person included in the application. Each must be a full birth certificate which states the names of both parents.
No birth certificate is required for an online application.
Passport For each person included in the application, a copy of the passport biographical page must be provided.
Medical certificate(s) Medical and/or X-ray certificates for each applicant, as required. Please read the ‘Health’ section of the Application for Residence Guide - Skilled Migrant Category (INZ 1105) to determine if you need to undertake a medical and X-Ray examination.
If you obtain a medical certificate from an eMedical enabled clinic, your doctor will submit the certificate on your behalf and you will be given an eMedical reference number to submit with your application.
Police certificate(s) If you are applying using a paper form, we require original police certificates that are less than 6 months old at the time you submit your residence application. Otherwise for an online application, copies are acceptable.
Please check www.immigration.govt.nz/policecertificate to ensure you obtain the police certificate that meets our requirements. If you have ever been known by another name, you need to demonstrate that you have requested the police certificate in every name you have been known by.
English language evidence Please check here to ensure you understand what evidence of English language you need to provide to meet our requirements.
If you have not indicated in your EOI how you will meet English language requirements you will need to provide one of following with your SMC application:
  • An acceptable English language test result (must be less than 2 years old)
  • Evidence you are a citizen of Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom (UK) or the United States of America (USA), and you have spent at least five years working or studying in those countries, or in Australia or New Zealand
  • Evidence you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a New Zealand level 7 bachelor’s degree, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least two years in any of those countries to get that qualification
  • Evidence you have a recognised qualification that’s comparable to a postgraduate New Zealand qualification, which you gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK or the USA. You must have also studied for at least one year in any of those countries to get that qualification
Evidence of custody Evidence that you have custody of your child and the sole right to determine your child’s country of residence without rights of visitation by the other parent, OR Evidence that you have custody of your child and a signed statement from the other parent, witnessed in accordance with local law, allowing the child to live permanently in New Zealand.
Employment agreement Your full employment agreement and job description, and contact details of your employer. The employment agreement must be signed by both parties.
Employer Supplementary Form Skilled Migrant Category (INZ 1235) This form must be completed by your employer. www.immigration.govt.nz/documents/forms-and-guides/inz1235.pdf
Qualification(s) Your qualification certificate and academic transcript and, if your qualification has been assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), a copy of your full International Qualifications Assessment.
Work experience evidence Information on how we asses skilled work experience is available here.
For examples of evidence that can be provided to demonstrate skilled work experience see the 'Skilled work experience' section of the Application for Residence Guide - Skilled Migrant Category.

영주권 가보자아! :)