Relocate to Christchurch D-13 (day off)
Relocate to Christchurch D-13 Visa status: Under assessment -Notice to company : 8th Dec -Notice to House : 9th Dec -Search some accomodations in Christchuch 1. 350$ for 2 rooms > from 13th available (X) 2. 400$ for 2 rooms > from 7th to 2nd Feb available (O) > discussing 3. other options : Flat or Airbnb > Rent Rent application submitted -Ferry booking : 9th Dec or 10th Dec -Search for accomoda..
2022.11.25 -
[+290] 집
오늘은 뉴질랜드 집에 대해 얘기해볼게요. Today, I will talk about the housing. 오클랜드와 같은 큰 도시(한국에 비할 수 없지만)에는 아파트가 있는 편이지만, 아니라면 단독주택이 대부분이에요. There are some apartments in the big city like Auckland, but most of houses in NZ are touwnhouses. 우리집 거실 뷰에서 보신 것처럼, 고런 집들이 대부분이랍니다. As you see in my photo of the livingroom view, those houses are common. 보통 차고, 방2~3개, 화장실1~2개 정도의 집이 많아요. Normally, There is a garage, 2~3 r..