ISTP의 여행계획 D-2
페리를 타기 위해 웰링턴까지 긴 로드트립을 해야 하는데요 I will travel by car for about 7 hours to Wellington to take a ferry, 중간에 어디서 쉴지 뭘 먹을지 고민하다가 I have been planning where to rest and what to have, 그냥 웰링턴을 즐겨보기로 합니다. I decided to enjoy Wellington. 일단 새벽에 출발해서 2시간 정도 떨어진 타우포에서 한번 쉬고 쭉 달릴 예정이에요! I am going to leave early in the morning and take a rest at a cafe in Taupo, and go straight to Wellington. 물론 중간중간 기름도 넣어야..
2022.12.07 -
타우랑가 일상 D-5
Relocate to Christchurch D-5 Visa status: Under assessment 아직 비자 소식은 잠잠한 가운데, 지역이동을 향한 날짜가 하루하루 가고 있네요. I haven't heard about the new visa, days are going through. 뉴질랜드 인력난도 계속되고 있습니다. There have been still not enough people to work in NZ. 인력난 체험하는 하루 평소보다 1명 부족하다.. 🤔 I felt this directly, one less staff for today. 마감 후 낮맥 한잔 하러 다녀온 The Freeport with Clever & Co. 🍻 After work, I had a beer here...
2022.12.04 -
Relocate to Christchurch D-10 (Say good-bye?)
Relocate to Christchurch D-10 Visa status: Under assessment -Notice to company : 8th Dec -Notice to House : 9th Dec -Search some accomodations in Christchuch 1. 350$ for 2 rooms > from 13th available (X) 2. 400$ for 2 rooms > from 7th to 2nd Feb available (O) > discussing 3. other options : Flat or Airbnb > Rent Rent application submitted / FLAT contract (30/11) -Ferry booking : 9th Dec or 10th ..
2022.11.29 -
Relocate to Christchurch D-13 (day off)
Relocate to Christchurch D-13 Visa status: Under assessment -Notice to company : 8th Dec -Notice to House : 9th Dec -Search some accomodations in Christchuch 1. 350$ for 2 rooms > from 13th available (X) 2. 400$ for 2 rooms > from 7th to 2nd Feb available (O) > discussing 3. other options : Flat or Airbnb > Rent Rent application submitted -Ferry booking : 9th Dec or 10th Dec -Search for accomoda..
2022.11.25 -
타우랑가 중국집 Rock'n wok
오랜만에 타우랑가 한식당에 다녀왔어요. I have been a Korean restaurant in a long time. 타우랑가에 한식당이 거의 없는데 한국식 중국집은 2개 있어요. There are 2 Korean-Chinese restaurants in Tauranga. 그 중에 시티에 있는 락앤웍 탕수육 정말 추천합니다. I really recommend Sweet and Sour pork of Rock'n Wok in the city center. 그리고 또다른 최애 메뉴 백짬뽕 And my another favorite is Clear spicy soup seafood noodle 타우랑가 오시면 들러보세요 :) Drop by here when you are in Tauranga.