후다닥 웰링턴 여행 9-10.12.22
웰링턴 가는 길은 폭우가 쏟아졌어요. It was raining heavily. 겨우겨우 도착 후 호텔 체크인 I just did check in right after arriving in Wellington. 비가 오긴 했지만 밖으로 나가 봅니다. It was still raining but I went outside. 차가 짐으로 가득차서 주차장에 킵해둡니다. I kept my car that was full of stuffs in the parking lot of the hotel. 우산도 없이 버스타고 하는 여행이지만 오랜만에 보는 고층 건물에 돌아가는 눈 😲 with short trip by bus and raining, I was so pleased to see some high buildin..
2022.12.29 -
Relocate to Christchurch D-14
Relocate to Christchurch D-14 Visa status: Under assessment -Notice to company : 8th Dec -Notice to House : 9th Dec -Search some accomodations in Christchuch 1. 350$ for 2 rooms > from 13th available (X) 2. 400$ for 2 rooms > from 7th to 2nd Feb available (O) > discussing 3. other options : Flat or Airbnb -Ferry booking : 9th Dec or 10th Dec -Search for accomodation for road trip : Airbnb in Wel..